
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Jason!

Today is September the 13th, simultaneously marking my one month anniversery of the end of my journey to Korea and my younger brother's 16 year anniversary of the end of his journey through the birth canal. This is the first birthday of immediate family that has occured during my stay abroad, and I was confronted with the dilema of how celebrate on the other side of the world in a way that might be somewhat meaningful to him. I decided to spend some time today walking around the city of soul, thinking about my brother. During this perambulance, I was also taking numerous pictures of the things I saw that coincided with my thoughts about Jason. Here are the results:

1)You like the gators and that makes me sad.
2)It's a french horn lamp! Remember that time you tried to play french horn? Yeah, that was pretty funny.
3)Asians share your same idea of what "buff" is.
4)General goofiness reminds me of you. Like that time we made up dance moves while doing the dishes.
5-7)Soccer is everywhere! Park JiSun is like a god to these people.
8-11)Guys in pink shirts proliferate. The line between male and female style is much more hazey. You like pink shirts. The line between you and females is much more hazey.

Oh, and who could forget that time you looked like a fool on the first picture I ever took with this camera?

Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like a squinty-eyed teeth and nostrils shot.


  1. yo. iam writing this on a pda, sry bout mistakes.

    ...happy b-day to jason! ;P

  2. Happy B-Day Jason

  3. Happy 16th Jase! Beware Georgia Roads!
