
Monday, June 22, 2009

Tha Walk to School

Since it was so popular last time, I decided to give you a visual day in my life. Lets start in the garage.

I enter and exit my building through the garage. The actual entrance to the parking area is on the wall across from the one you see here. That silver circle on the floor is for rotating cars that pull in so that they face that entrance and can drive down the ramp to the parking spaces below the building.

Here you can see the local Buddhist temple. Unlike most of them around the world, this temple has found its way right into the heart of a city as opposed to the mountains or forests.

Turning left at the temple, I get to experience the contrast that is this city. This disgusting, grey building has been under construction for the whole 4 months I've lived here. It'll be nice to see a gleaming monolith to man's dominance of nature rather than this noisy, dirty mess.

This is our chicken place. Best fried chicken I've had in the city. You'd be surprised how many miles away from the South you can find some kickin' fried chicken!

What three block walk through a major metropolitan area would be complete without passing at least one Starbucks? What's more interesting is that immediately next door was a place called "StarBeer Coffee." Even in a country without copyright laws, however, the crack team of Starbucks lawyers can shut that operation down.

Immediately across the street you'll see the entrance to SeoGang University. I didn't even know there was a fourth university right around the corner from where I lived! This picture accidentally captured one of the phenomena I've mentioned before: notice the motorcycle using the crosswalk.

This stretch of the walk has some of the only trees I've seen in the city, so in that respect I'm pretty lucky.

Here is a terrible shot of our Ministop. It's right around the corner from Avalon, so its easy to run to between classes if you need a drink. Notice that the vehicle that slid into this photo, which is the only thing like a pick-up truck they have here.

This is probably the most important building in our lives: The orange restaurant (actually called 'KimBap Heaven'). It is directly across the street from Avalon, and we use our pre-planning time to eat before work every day. These women know us too well, but the quality is pretty good and the prices can't be beat.

Cross the street and we've arrived at the Avalon building. The first floor is a comforter store, then the 2nd-5th are dedicated to us. I don't know what all is on the rest of the 10 floors of the building, but I do know that one of them is an elevator repair company. Guess who's elevator is never out of order!

Finally, the hallways of the 5th floor. This floor consists of (from front to back along the left) the principal's office, the break room, the elementary school office, (from front to back along the right) the computer lab, the middle school pricipal's office, the middle school office, and finally the detention room against the back wall.

And now that I've walked you to the office, I'm going to leave it and head back home. I can't stand to be here any longer.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's essay time again. We had a grading party at my apartment this weekend. Here are the greatest hits:

The lowest level had a series of half sentences that mirror the reading chapter exactly (supposed to have been about seahorses...). All they had to do was copy the second half of the sentence straight out of the book. Instead, Fiona decided to get creative:

She is a small kind of fish.
It is smallllike a airpline.
It has a fly.
A seahorse is as small as old shoes.
It looks like a very old.
There are many kinds of seahorses find.
They are really swimmers.
They move as slow as windand airrprane.
The can also fly.
They are different from hair.
The male seahorse keeps its babies .

That is .

(Eventually, Fiona decided to just quit and leave the ending blank.)

If you were looking for the definition of confused, Daniel in the upper level has got you covered:

"These cities like Seoul are mostly in Korea because They were made on a plain surrounded on mountain (it looks like valley) or a valley which is a plain on mountains."

This one speaks for itself.

I have 'make alphabet book' club.
It's very boring.
I don't like this.
I like music clubs.
Because I like music very well.
If I was elected leader of a club.
I'm who very many working in the my club.

Who's name is bestest beautiful.

And who has who's music.
It's very important.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Reaction

Behold: how a group of second grade Koreans reacts when I tell them I have contracted the epidemic. I have swine flu!

Of course, I don't actually have swine flu. It's just too much fun to tell them I do.