Clearly, all was not right.
And it was a show. I'm talking about a spotlight whirling around the room like a blue light special at K-mart, multiple light fixtures fading from one color to another, and machines enveloping the whole floor in a layer of fog. It was like Kiss was doing a tour called "Matrimonium." I kept waiting for the pyrotechnics.
The bride and groom said not one word the entire time. In fact, their participation in the whole event was to walk down the aisle (together might I add: no giving the bride away and no superstition about seeing the bride in advance either.), stand and listen to the speaker, and then bow to each set of parents and walk out. There was no exchange of vows, no ring, no flower girl, no brides maids or best man, no bride's side or groom's side of the room, no "I do," no kiss. It was a wedding completely stripped of everything. The one ceremony that they did stick to (but completely at the wrong time) was cutting the cake. After the speaker was done, women dressed like the Navy rolled a wedding cake over on a cart that was also spewing fog. The bride and groom were given a machete and they held it together as they hacked the top layer of the cake in half. Immediately after the cake was severed, the Navy ladies rolled it back away. They didn't even eat the cake!
During the ceremony a very intrusive and indiscreet cameraman and photographer walked in circles around the speaker and the couple, sticking flashing bulbs and video cameras in their faces. After a while they started to film those of us in the crowd who were actually watching the debacle. Soon the audience was getting into it, and people in t-shirts and jeans would walk up with a kid on one hip, stand behind the speaker, and take a picture of the couples faces from over the man's he was marrying them!
I don't know if anything about it was very Western at all, but the feast afterward was top notch. I stuffed myself at the "reception," which was held in a banquet hall in the adjacent building. Again, there was no band, no couple's first dance, no Father/daughter dance, no dancing at all for that matter.
This has been your cultural oddity moment of the day.
mooooooooooooore oddities!!!! mooooooooooooooooooore updates!!!