Here we have new pics from my trip to Yonsei University. No one was at Yonsei since today was Korean Independence day, but I still got to use the subway and walk around the ShinChon college town area. We stopped at a crazy bookstore and at a record store. This place is wild, what with all these hundreds of shops stacked on top of one another! Afterward we picked up lunch at McDonald's. 'Don't ever eat at an Asian McDonald's' is my new rule. The burgers aren't big enough, the fries aren't greasy enough, and they won't give you free water. I'd much rather just have some Korean lunch anyways, but it wasn't my idea and who am I to pass up a wicked cultural fusion experience anyways?

One of the more scenic buildings on Yonsei campus

More bustling downtown Seoul. It rained today~~what a relief from the heat!

Korean subway map: be very afraid.
fun map... fun map... :D