
Saturday, December 05, 2009

The End of B*Desh

DAYS 6 & 7: The End

Damn that coconut. Or one of my other indiscretions. I spent the whole night evacuating everything I've eaten thus far in every way my body knows how. We "woke up" at seven, myself completely empty and Imran (I now learn that I've had his name wrong from the beginning) with a migraine and lacking sleep as well, presumably from my symphonic indigestion.

We took a CNG to the anti-climactic Lawachara rain forest. Deep in past the tea and rubber plantations was a national park that promised primates, parrots, and panthers. Instead, it delivered little more than a bird that looked like a robin, a black squirrel, and an empty potato chip bag. There was, however, a rather soothing "rain" effect. The trees kept the temperature of the area low enough to form mist in the morning, so for the first couple hours of the day one could hear the dew falling from leaf to leaf.

On the way out we stopped at a pineapple field, where I picked my very own pineapple. We cut it up for lunch, though I could hardly enjoy it. After that, we started the long journey back to Dhaka. Imran insisted on trying to feed me or talk about the food we had eaten that could have led to my present condition. It did not help.

I drank a Sprite on the ride home, hoping the carbonation would be settling.

I slept delusionally but felt healthy in the morning. I hungrily ate the leftover nan I had been hording and got ready to return to Korea. The airport was more crowded than when I had arrived, masses of people huddled around the entrance to meet relatives returning from years abroad.

After an hour on the ground (there are only 4 other flights leaving Dhaka. This city is inexcusably disorganized.), I and the 4 infants surrounding me depart for our Bangkok layover. Who would've though I could have finished a 400 page novel already? This was a long flight with nothing but Thai folk songs and opera on the radio and E Inside Bollyywood on TV. Suvarnabhumi airport has even less to offer the traveler with 5 hours on his hands. It's good to be back home, where my bed is familiar and I recognize the pop music.

Thailand is so thoughtful. This would be weird in the states.

My overall feeling is emboldened, despite the freshness of the memory of illness. I took risks and survived, which is nothing short of courage boosting. Contrarily, I have also been reminded that not all places outside America would be modern and comfortable. Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong had lulled me into thinking that all foreign locales would be air conditioned and accessible, an illusion which Bangladesh quickly shattered. It will be quite some time before I venture as far off the beaten path as this again, of this I feel confident. Although, with every new trip my appetite for exploration is deepened rather than sated. I still am unsure of what new direction my adventure may lead me, but I am ever open to the challenge. I leave you with an outtakes of sorts.

The 10 Facts about B*Desh that Didn't Fit into the Stream of My Story
10. The #1 (and only recorded) hair/beard dye color of choice: Henna Orange
9. Only American song heard: You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift
8. Strangest Deformity: The man whose right arm couldn't grow muscles. No, the cab driver who had a third thumb. No! The guy at the park with a second nose in the middle of his forehead!!! I can't pick!
7. National Sport: Cricket. This is a very confusing sport.
6. The Best Car Seen: Mazda RX8 (shiny!)
5. The 2nd Best Car Seen: Toyota Corolla (it had both rear-view mirrors)
4. Most Interesting Thing Learned: Though we derive our number system from Arabic numerals, the look nothing alike.
3. Most Ridiculous Thing Seen: A cow giving birth in the street.
2. Saddest Beggar Ever: The 3 toddlers, each with their hair in pigtails and babies on their hips, followed by a toothless, one-eyed mother.
1. Most Dangerous Road Stunt: Our bus was passing two other buses on a two lane road. An oncoming CNG went all the way around the buses we were passing (off the shoulder of oncoming traffic's side of the road) to avoid being hit by our bus.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Into Hindustan

DAY 5: Sri Mongol

My honeymoon period of regularity ends as the food gets the best of me at last. I suppose garbanzo bean soup from a street vendor was simply asking for it. Although I had it coming, it can't be said that my condition made the following 3 hour bus journey comfortable for any party involved. It's also not discouraged me from another food packed day. You only live once, right?

At noon we arrived in Sri Mongol, a town that approaches the Indian border from another side. Sri Mongol is distinct from other places I've been so far in that it demonstrates an inversion of the typical 80% Muslim 15% Hindu makeup.

Lunch is rice with curried green beans and a fish fillet from something Imlan calls rui. Afterwards we enjoy a pastry, if that's what it can be called. Jilapi is batter, spiraled into fry oil and cooked, then marinated in honey. Not only is it covered in the orange-pink hued honey but the goo has seeped its way into the pockets created within the fried batter coils. It's the shovel for honey that french fries are for ketchup.

Our motorized rickshaw, or CNG (#6), took us into the Finlay tea fields. Imlan and I strode through the bushes and streams with a raw tea leaf in our front gum like it was chew tobacco. Unlike tobacco, the spit can be swallowed since you're only really making tea in your mouth. Even after fully removing all the bits of leaf, my mouth was still (quite literally) steeped in tea flavor.

We watched for cobras at all times, even when we passed out of the tea bushes and into the rubber tree fields. I observed what looked like watery Elmer's glue snaking down the carved trenches in the tree bark and dripping into collection cups. We finally reached an outpost at which I could drink some of this tea, having been comically layered liked a specialty alcoholic drink, black on white on red on oolong on green.

Later in the day, we rickshawed around the city area, me with coconut in hand. A local boy had hacked it open and popped in a straw. I sipped on coconut milk as Imlan and I strolled through a Hindu temple. On our way back into town we got the same boy to sever in two my then empty coconut. I scraped the minimal "meat" and ate it with part of the shell. It was like ectoplasm, but I finished it politely.

To be continued tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

To the Edge and Back

DAY 4: Jaflong

We had traditional Bangladeshi breakfast of parata (like a pancake and a croissant's edible baby!) and a marinated, diced potato dish. So, "pancroint" and home-style hash browns, with the Queen's beverage of course. After our breakfast, we went outside the hotel to take a car to Jaflong.

The car we hired was speeding down a two lane road to Hindi techno, weaving through buses, "lorries," other cars, rickshaws, motorized rickshaws, bicycles, pedestrians, livestock, and roadkill. As we passed a military college and base, the driver cut through the parking lot to avoid some speed bumps. Unfortunately, the other side of the dirt lot ended in an unforeseen two foot drop, and before you could say "foursyllableromel," we were stuck.

If only I had my camera for these pictures it would have been AWESOME. Foreign problem solving in action is always legendary. Unfortunately, we bought some Bangladeshi batteries yesterday and they got my camera up and running enough to take three pictures of the tandoori before the piddly things petered out, so words alone will have to suffice.

Plan 1: We spun out the suspended wheels of the Corolla for a few minutes.
Plan 2: We pushed on the front of the car while spinning out the suspended wheels of the Corolla for a few minutes.
Plan 3: (By now, locals are gathering.) Lance Corporal Tahel explains that this has happened to him before. We jack up the car (Sub Plan 1: From a point just in front of the back left tire. Sub Plan 2: From a point just in front of the front left tire.), then take stray rocks and bricks to build a mini wall under the tires. Once they have traction, drive backwards back into the parking lot.
Plan 4: After the car blows rocks all over the place, utilize the 20 some odd people around you and the just push the car back up and into the lot. Do not use for leverage the plastic bumper which is affixed by three distant screws.

We finally arrive in Jaintiapur, though with significantly less Hindi techno. Jaintiapur is just a few kilos outside of Jaflong. There are mountains in the distance that jut up suddenly out of the infinite rice fields. We wander through the town, observing the ruins of old structures such as the mayor's house and the building where the magistrate would preside over prisoner executions (After the car fiasco I made Imlan buy me batteries that didn't expire in seventies, so I'm back in action).

We pressed on to Tamabil Zero Point, the border crossing between Bangladesh and India. The illusion of the land jumping up unexpectedly like a cardiogram is only further proven the closer we come. The range is 7 rows of mountains deep, says Imlan, and it marks the border. We could see India and a border town from across the checkpoint. People were crossing and trading. We ate a handful of seasoned dates from a small newspaper clipping. They had been tossed in salt, diced peppers, and cilantro, yet under all that they tasted like raisins. They proved a bizarre but somehow appealing snack.

Just beyond the border crossing were a few kilometers of coal...I don't quite know what to call them. The coal is all within the mountains and therefore in Indian territory, but Bangladesh imports a good deal of it. So it piles up just inside the border and waits to be sent throughout the rest of the country. So, coal redistribution centers? That sounds way more formal than it was though. Coal redistribution mounds.

At last we pressed on to Jaflong itself. The "town" was little more than a dirt road fringed with rows concrete huts for selling shoes and soda. At the end of the road was a river. People were lined up waiting for unromantic gondolas to ferry them to the far bank, along with their families, motorbikes, and bags of sugar and concrete. On the other side of the river was a deep and wide field of tea plants, amongst which were staggered palms for shading them.

Beyond the tea plantation was a forest. We took a rickshaw down through the forest, stopping to inspect the papaya, banana, orange, and betel plants. Local people lived in small houses within the forest, gathering the fruits and nuts for some small income.

Further up the river was the town of Bholla Gart. It was a bustling market along the banks. People were pulling large stones from out of the river, selling stone crafts like cookware and jewelry, and crowding around shuttle boats so they could shop on the opposite bank. We snacked again, this time on sliced star fruit. It was prepared just like the dates, so again sweet, spicy, salty, and soapy all at once. First it tastes like Cajun popcorn, then like apples. Strange.

Our lunch was pancroint, curry chicken, and omelet, then we rode back to the outskirts of Sylhet. It was there that we saw our third tomb, that of Hazrat Shah Paran, the sister son of Shahjalal whom we'd seen yesterday. Again, there was a large crowd of devotees, come to climb up to the top of the hillock and pray over the saint's casket which lay draped under colorful fabric and roofed by tree branches. After their prayer, many people would sling water onto the casket from whatever water bottles they had with them, though to what end I can only guess. This time when we left the shrine and descended the stairs, we walked down backwards like the rest of the crowd, so as not to put our back disrespectfully to the saint.

We had a more substantial snack of chapati, a curry flavored garbanzo soup with 6 spices, fresh veggies raw and sliced, crackers of sorts, and chunked boiled egg. Street food, my fourth disobedience. Chapati comes along with something like homefries, which are made from a grain called dal.

We rested for a few hours while I wrote of today's events. We have just now taken out dinner of piles upon piles of nan, chicken with curry vegetables, and beef kurai, a beef'n'veggie stir fry. There's a lovely accompanying "salad" of sliced cucumbers with lime juice. A winning combination. To top it all off, we went around the corner to a confectionery for Imlan'a favorite, doi. It was like lemon meringue pie filling stirred together with cream cheese frosting. Rich!
  • healthy
  • Up to 16 whities (I saw 8 backpackers crossing the border into India)
  • Oh yeah, I drank water from a pitcher while we ate street food. #5.
To be continued tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Outside of Dhaka

DAY 3: Sylhet

I'm awoken by a menagerie of bird noises and something that sounds like Bollywood. I eat my organic bananas and oranges for breakfast then board a taxi with Imlan, my guide for the rest of the week, and Mr. Milan, the hotel owner. On the drive he tries to explain his country's history to me, but I find it hard to concentrate on stories of independence and unity while literally watching a dog being run over and a blind man beginning for food.

[Because all of today went unphotographed, today I present the miscellaneous collections]

We get on the bus for the trip to Sylhet, a city in the northeast. For the duration of our 5 hour bus ride my camera was out of commission. So, what I witnessed:
  • All around us are miles and miles of rice fields embroidered with rivers and ponds, smattered with various livestock.
  • Women carry laundry and fruit in baskets on their heads.
  • Occasionally, the tall smoke stack of a brick kiln and its surrounding rows of bricks rises over the trees.
  • Two young boys bathe a cow.
  • A mujaheddin scarecrow guards some crops (I imagine the Wizard's witty solution to If I only had DEATH TO AMERICA)
  • Rice is baking in shallow piles on large concrete slabs.
  • We pass a mosque whose four story minaret was completely ensconced in bamboo scaffolding.
  • Every few miles another billboard for concrete slides past.
On the bus with us was Bangladeshi folk star Pothik Nobi (above). He had dreadlocks and blue eyeshadow.

After we arrived, Imlan and I took a local bus (disobedience #3) into the city proper to our hotel. After checking into Hotel Supreme (Service with Smile), we had a late lunch of beef biriyani. This was the beginning of a whole 24 hours of "WHERE IS MY CAMERA?!?!?!" moments. Damn foreign batteries.

After eating we visited the coffin of Hazrat Shah Jalal al-Mujarrad, one of people credited with bringing Islam to the colonial Indian territories 500 years ago. The mayor of Sylhet some years back made it law that everyone pay their respects to this man upon first arriving in the city. Even Hindus gladly oblige seeing as how Shah Jalal provided the whole city with a wealth of charitable services.


We visited a second tomb, this of another man who accompanied Shah Jalal from Yemen to the region. Chashni Pir Saab had a pet monkey in life, and after his death that monkey began multiplying. Supposedly the ancestors of this monkey are those that populated the hill on which his coffin rests. It was a small, grey variety of monkey, and we watched 7 or 8 baby ones wrestling in the trees before we rickshawed onward.

Afterwards we visited a local Hindu temple. Some friendly temple employees explained some of the statues as well as some of the basic tenets of the religion. Some of the statues were hundreds of years old and had been discovered when an area building was demolished and the land excavated. The monks themselves had repainted and adopted them. The men offered Imlan and I some famous Bangladeshi sweets. One tasted like brown sugar having been condensed by honey. Thankfully the other one was sweeter.


Sylhet is nicer than Dhaka on a whole. It is neither overcrowded nor as dusty. At about 4 pm in Dhaka, a misty fog settles over everything, making it impossible to see the sun and thus effectively ending the day, but not here. The city is far shorter and there are more trees. It still suffers from the same dim, orange glow from the terrible lighting.

Imlan and I rickshawed on to the restaurant where we'd had lunch for a quick dinner. We ate a chicken and a half between the two of us. It was grilled in a tandoori rub, the nan was fresh and baked in house, and it all came with a powerful garlic-raw onion-mustard seed dipping sauce that was inexplicably green. I am now so full and ready to pass out.

  • healthy
  • continent
  • 6 whites, 3 Chinese, innumerable goats
To be continued tomorrow...

Monday, November 30, 2009

I remind you of J. Peterman, admit it.

DAY 2: Dhaka

Take a good look at how this crazy fan was hung.

I slept warm for fear of fan death (not the Korean kind, the Indian Jones propeller to the face kind). Breakfast was charming; toast with butter, mango jelly, and a plantain, eggs over medium, Ispahani Mirzapore tea (not sure which one of those words is the brand and which is the leaf) with ~~lime!!~~

My hostel offered me a driver, Shumon, to show me the city. We first looked at Bashundhara, the largest mall in South Asia, which was disappointingly mostly closed due to some national holiday. I snapped some photos of the National Parliament House, a river, Zia park, and the mausoleum of the second president. I haggled over the won->dollar exchange rate, bought a $3 copy of Adobe CS4, and registered my stay with the American Embassy. I even enjoyed a brief rickshaw ride! Since being out on the street, I have seen more goats than white people (or any other foreigner for that matter). Current count: 4 whities, 2 Chinese, 30+ goats. Granted, the 2 were in a Chinese restaurant and 3 were dead in a wheelbarrow (I'll let you guess of what!), but the count still stands.


There is an armed presence almost everywhere I've been, be it Parliamentary paramilitary, mall cops, or even flea market cops. Shumon says they aren't all national or even city security, but I still can't tell who's privatized, who's government, or who's affiliated with whom.

Things I can say in Bangladeshi:
Hello/Hello's response
How are you?/I'm fine.
I am going to ______.
1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10

For several hours in the afternoon and early evening I enjoyed tea and conversation with the only other Westerner in the hostel building. Though ethnically Bengali, the man I know only as Mark or Brother Mark is a Canadian citizen who, after the loss of his family, has devoted his life to missionary work in Muslim countries (of which Bangladesh is one it would seem). We spoke extensively about English education (as that is the shape his work has taken here), the inter-ethnic group conflicts in the country (which strike me as remarkably similar to those in Israel), and religion.

Mark lives and works in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and he enlightened me as to the government's intentions to discourage tourists from leaving the Muslim capital to spend money in the rural Hindu areas. He also told me of the wealth of beauty and culture which I could enjoy were I to venture outside of Dhaka. So, under his advisement, I commit to my second disobedience. I plan a trip outside the nation's capital.

I have also learned that the city is now at only about 20% capacitance on of account of this Muslim holiday. Almost everyone has returned to their parent's house for an annual bull slaughter and subsequent week of feasting. So, tomorrow I will leave Dhaka in search of her denizens.

Out in the open countryside awaits orange groves, coal mines, rain forests, plantations, and a plethora of "tribal" foods, or so I am assured. I have paid the hotel for its seat-of-the-pants tour package offer and I am now in possession of 70 Bangladeshi taka, 212 Honk Kong dollars, and 6,000 South Korean won (Do the math, it's only like 27 bucks). I will either see the wide open country or live like its people: starving and alone. At least now there is nothing that can be stolen from me!

(Still no loss of continence or onset of feverish hysteria. Steven 1, Jungle ailments 0!)

To be continued tomorrow.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The End of November Trip


You may recall that at the end of my trip to Hong Kong, I mentioned turning my sights toward a long trip at the end of November. Well, November came and went fast, so a week ago my trip was upon me. I had to do something impulsive or twiddle my thumbs for 9 days. So, I got online and found a country that filled 3 important criteria:
  1. Lack of health/safety warnings from the DoD/CDC.
  2. Lack of entry visa requirement.
  3. Within my budget constraints.
With its weak currency, stable government, and visa on arrival system, Bangladesh was my match. Knowing nothing about the country as I imagine you do, I booked a ticket to leave Seoul the following day. I had time to do some limited research on Saturday morning, and I drafted a consensus of rules from various blogs and hostel sites.
  1. Don't eat street food,
  2. Don't leave the capital,
  3. Don't wear shorts,
  4. Drink only bottled water,
  5. Don't ride...
  • ferries,
  • buses,
  • taxis,
  • or motorized rickshaws,
Hereafter follows the day to day chronicle of my survival in a dusty and tropical unknown land.

DAY 1: Arrival

Mortifying. The airport may not have been much worse than Detroit, unless you consider smaller to be worse. The people I nervously spoke to in the airport were friendly enough, if not a little surprised at my presence. I secured my visa, grabbed my luggage off the 4th of 4 carousels. Everything is going to be fine, I repeated. Deep Breaths.

Beside carousel 4 of 4 was a sea of unclaimed "baggage."

I stepped outside the terminal, however, and I began to fear the worst. The sidewalk outside the doors was littered with people offering me a taxi, but there are no taxis (at least not in the conventional sense of the word...) to be seen. Beyond the sidewalk was two lanes of pick-up road. Then, the whole area was fenced in with the street entrances guarded by some level of the armed forces or local authorities. People were clamouring at the gates, though for what purpose I was unsure. It was then 10 pm.

I was expressly warned against the use of taxis, but I didn't know what else to do. There were no buses in sight, no friends in the country, not even a rickshaw. So, not 60 seconds into the open, steamy air of Dhaka and I disobey my first rule: I acquiesce to an insistent "taxi" driver.

Though it was somewhat reassuring that his dispatch has a booth inside the actual airport building, it was disheartening to slide past the guards and see the state of the jalopy which I was requested to get into. It was a burgundy Toyota hatchback from sometime before I was born. The front windshield was badly cracked. My suitcase was locked into the back with what appeared to be a 50 gallon tank of propane. The car was missing at least one rear-view mirror that I cared to notice. It was not labeled as a taxi in any way. If I had thought the mosquitoes were bad in the airport, I soon learned that that was because this man (whose name was 4 syllables I could not decipher and then ~romel) had parked their hive just beyond the gates.

After an argument with a very unofficial-looking person at the exit from the airport, we were driving. There is clearly no established system of road rules which I could discern. Part of me thought we would die on the street which functioned exactly like a New York sidewalk. The other part of me believed I would survive the drive only to be brutally murdered by the taxi driver in some alleyway for the 300 dollars worth of Korean monopoly money which I possess. A small, persistent, sliver of a liberal voice inside kept assuring me that I have faith in humanity and that I'm not afraid of brown people.

Foursyllableromel continued to stop, ask for directions, and then turn around (all in the middle of the street while honking incessantly). I tried to occupy my mind by observing my surroundings. Rickshaw drivers are ubiquitous. The apparatus is like a bicycle meeting a baby carriage. They appeared very colorful, though it was dark and very uncomfortable. The city at night is lit by street lights so dim the best they do is cast an eerie orange glow over things.

Finally we tracked down the correct address, although the name of the hostel is technically different than that on my paper. I didn't care, just get me outta that car and into a bed. I was so mosquito bitten from the drive that I can already feel the effects of such a high dosage of malaria.

One angle of my hostel room.

The hostel doesn't look like much but it does come off better than anything I saw in Hong Kong. I am treated astoundingly well by the young men at the desk. I spoke with a man on the phone who I presume is the owner. He said we will go sight-seeing in the morning. The boys offered me dinner, but I'm too nervous and excited to eat anything. Then they asked me what time I would like breakfast. One of the two carried my suitcase to the elevator, pressed the button, jumped out, and ran up the stairs to meet me and carry the bag again.

This will surely prove to be catastrophic.

My room smells heavily of some pineapple-mango-unknowable fruit spray. It is now 11 pm. Thus ends my first hour, and I'm beginning to feel optimistic about my prospects. Assuming, that is, that the Korean pharmacy gave me diarrhea medicine and not laxative, and that I don't in fact have malaria. Crossed fingers.

To be continued tomorrow.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh, and did I mention?

Remember the mystery soup I posted a photo of in my Hong Kong slide show? Well, I cast out my net and reeled in an answer. Thanks to Kevin and Caitlin for being addicted to Food Network!

You may find it difficult to see the difference between my picture...

...and this one.

The two photos might as well have been taken of the same bowl of soup. That soup is bird's nest soup. The nests come from a particular species of swift. Unlike a normal nest, these are not made of twigs and leaves but rather of the swifts cement-like saliva. The saliva is pasted onto the inner walls of caves by male swifts in China and Indonesia, and is then harvested for the many mythical health benefits it provides. Though considered to be a delicacy and normally quite expensive, there is a garden variety for the every man, and thus it was the 2 dollar soup of the day.

A lesser man would wish he didn't know that he had eaten "nutritional", congealed bird spit soup, but a truly admirable one relishes in the discovery of the truth and the adventure of trying new things. He is not disheartened by the culturally myopic notion that something scraped of the inside of a cave wall should never be boiled, soaked, and eaten, but knows full well that knowledge is empowering and that there is no "right" food. In this situation, I believe I am the former of the two.


If you've detected some blog silence you would be right. Lots has been happening in the office and I'm struggling just to tread water! Well, tread water when the water is rising, so swim up? Let me explain.

I am now foreign head teacher. This means that not only do I have a full class load, but I also handle a number of other duties. I'm primarily responsible for communication (i.e. the bad news from the management and the complaints from the foreign teachers). Consequently, I've found a certain distance grow between me and my coworkers since I'm seen as "one of them" in a way. Disappointing, as I'm constantly working to improve the work place for us while making the management more satisfied with our performance and increasing the quality of education for the students. What a juggling act!

I've also been given a number of special scenario duties, including interviewing new potential employees as well as training new recruits. I also act as universal substitute, and (increasingly) curriculum supplement-er. This makes the fact that I have 2 periods off almost irrelevant.

I never realized how needy and difficult we were until I had to manage us on an individual level. I have to repeat myself constantly. I'm always reminding and (what seems like) micro-managing, and yet the minute I stop there's a crisis and a complaint. It's incredibly taxing, and yet fulfilling in a way. I finally get the feeling that I am respected and have a certain autonomy over my destiny. The freedom and recognition have more than made up for the long hours and low pay thus far.

How am I coping with the hustle bustle of two new teachers and a half new curriculum? New episodes of The Office and How I Met Your Mother sure aren't hurting. Mostly though it's been a strictly "head down, power through" approach. Don't get distracted and don't realize that you're as busy as you are. How long before I burn out? Well, as long as things continue on a track of improvement all around, I just may be motivated enough to keep up the pace, but I fear that disappointment will take the wind out of my sails pretty quickly.

On a lighter note, apparently I need to shave. This I've known since well before I came here, but my students have been making it increasingly prevalent in our exchanges. Last week, the students told me that when I don't shave I look like a homeless man. Of course, they want to make sure that I understand the meaning so they tell me as many ways as they can think of. Teacher! You know Geoji? No home man? Live in subway station? Dirty? Sleep in newspaper blanket? Always always ask more money? Thanks, I get it. 2 weeks prior, a 6th grader tried to scrape hair off my arm with a razor blade. Don't we expel for that sort of thing???

Monday, August 03, 2009

Hong Kong

It's not the beginning, but a good place to start would be here: on top of Victoria peak, looking out over the glittering landscape, overwhelmed with accomplishment. I stood there on top of Hong Kong in more ways than one. With no regrets, I came off that mountain and back to Seoul.

That was, of course, the high point. I was seriously questioning my logic the night before I departed Korea. There's something just plain ominous about buying a ticket to China in my mind. It's not something to be taken lightly. I was equal hours from confirming the purchase and boarding the flight, breaking down as I imagined my bags packing themselves. The situation was going to get worse before it got better. My developing head cold was in full swing by morning, and I forgot to shave (which I've made a point of doing before every flight since 9/11...). I took a cab straight out of work 15 minutes before I was allowed to leave, because I wouldn't make the flight otherwise. There I was, having scurried from one end of the city to the other, in an airport, with a Muslim appearance and symptoms of swine flu. As you can imagine, by the time I got onto the Airport Express into the city proper, I...well, you don't have to imagine.

My hostel was in an overwhelming area after all that. I rode the cab (British style backwards) to the heart of the madness, where I was accosted by groups of people attracted to my baggage and trying to get me to stay with their hostel or hotel. If buildings were humans, this one would have been a zombie. The room was beyond minuscule. I've seen more spacious janitorial closets.

When I eventually went to the history museum, I learned the bizarre geological history of the area. It was once a swamp, when sea levels rose and it became ocean. As land changed it was just a lake, until it was a bunch of volcanoes for some 200,000 years. Then it was a desert, then a bunch of mountains. During the ice age it was actually glacier, and when everything melted it became the bunch of islands it is today. But for my duration there, it was 100% a jungle. The first morning I shook myself out of slumber and snot and drug myself into the oppressive heat. More oppressive than anything I've ever imagined. Hong Kong is as far south as Hanoi, and parts of it look like what I imagine Hawaii would look like, particularly when I left the city proper.

On a few occasions I took bus around to the south side of Hong Kong island to a pair of small towns known as Repulse and Stanley. As opposed to the city itself, which faces north into mainland China, the south end of the island opens up straight into the South China Sea. There were some beautiful beaches and plenty of ritzy places to live. It was here I really experienced some of the wacky weather of the island. It would go from sunny to ten minutes of downpour completely unannounced. Then it would clear up and be lovely for an unpredictable amount of time, when rain would again materialize for ten minutes.

I didn't mind the unexpected rain. It gave me an excuse to duck into buildings, especially restaurants. I surprisingly only ate Chinese food less than half of my meals. There was a wide variety of noodles+ (from beef and veggies to more questionable supplements) and there was Cantonese barbecue. I had pork, duck, and goose. The birds were a bit disturbing, but the pork was excellent. The reason I ate such little Chinese food was that the options were so abundant! I was in a former British colony, and the global feeling of the city was present in every aspect of my stay (I spent 30% of my culture shock on the Britishisms everywhere). I was so not the only foreigner. Never was I stared at (unless I was coughing) since there were Indians and Africans and all sorts of Europeans everywhere. This of course meant that there was excellent foreign food in Hong Kong. I mean excellent. I ate Indian food half of the time. The absolute best of my life. It didn't even survive long enough to be photographed. I had top notch sushi, great fish and chips with an actually good Guinness, and just about popped in for a real steak.

When I wasn't eating or window-shopping, I was walking. Due to my worthless Korean bank telling me there was no way to access my account from one of Seoul's only nearby major cities (3rd world banking quality imo), money was much tighter than I first expected. I accepted the challenge optimistically and cut back on paid transportation. I took the ferry (it cost about a quarter) and hoofed it most everywhere else. In this way I got lost several times (the most frightening time in some sort of steel working part of town on the mainland peninsula of Kowloon) but always managed to right myself more reliably than I thought I was capable of. I also managed to walk/bus myself to some very peaceful temples and such. In the end I was glad both for the enforced budget as well as for forgetting my iPod in the rush out of work on Tuesday night. I was forced to experience a greatly different group of sights as well as sounds.

Hong Kong had it's quirky times as well. Take, for example, the fact that on literally every busy street corner three Indian men offered me a tailor. I was in a t-shirt and cargo shorts. Did I look so bad that everyone in the city wanted to make me a suit? Were I there much longer I would have been approaching Indian men myself and preemptively offering them tailoring services just to throw them off. "Excuse me sir, can I interest you in a tailor? Prices very cheap! Very good quality! Please just come and see my location, perhaps you will change your mind!"

As far as just the flat out crazy times, I think the hostel getting raided by the police took the cake. I came back at the end of the day to find our humble tenements surrounded by cops. They let me in without a second glance, but then I couldn't get out without presenting papers. I was disallowed from using the stairs, and my papers were again checked when the cops came around banging on doors in the hostel. The word was that twice a year it's legal for the police to just blow through and check every foreigner they can until they find illegal ones. I witnessed the biannual panforeign screenings!

In the end it wasn't what I had expected (though I had only really left myself about 12 hours to build said expectations in the first place), but it was an adventure. I was mostly in such an international place that English was always readily understood, so I didn't really get that lost-without-a-sole-who-can-understand-me experience that I had wanted, but I think this was a good toe in the water. The trip did garner me an overall feeling that my job thus far has been worth it, as I had hoped that finally reaping the benefits of my labor would. With more to come, I turn my mind now towards surviving more Avalon until I can take my 9 day trip to who-knows-where at the end of November.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

A Quick Word

Just got back into the apartment, and I have to work early tomorrow so I'm gonna hit the sack. I couldn't leave you without a taste of the mania that was Hong Kong though. So, without further ado, a billboard:

'LEMON TEA' has been nerdy, and it has been gangster.
Never before, however, has it been so nerdy and so gangster simultaneously.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Real Trip

Well, I'm finally off. Half of the reason I came out here was to polish my Korean, but I could do that with a Korean girlfriend and a textbook anywhere in the world. The other half of the reason was to continue my travel, and tomorrow that's just what I'm going to do. I just flash packed for a flight to Hong Kong that I booked not 24 hours before it departed. It's probably one of the scariest moments of my life. I'm alone, I've not prepared one bit, I speak ZERO Chinese, and I haven't even checked the weather. This is the trial by fire. How well can I survive in a totally foreign place? I guess not totally foreign, since there should be a great deal of English around. I think. Anyways, in 16 hours, the first stage of my real trip begins!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I enjoyed this book very
much, because I love ha-
rry potter and 'the whipping
Boy's carectors are similor to
potter and, Hagreed. My opinion
is change carectors name. And
it is not funny. It is complex.
please more funny. Like Harry
Potter or Transformers or Terminators.
This book is short, so essay is

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

All I have for you this time is one essay. But it's incredible!

Topic 2: "A helping hand"
How would you feel if you saw an injured animal on the road?
What could you do for the injured animal?

I feel is so excited. and. so
suprised and I like
animal for eat meat becuuse
It is so good. but
I like eat grasses for animal too.
because It is so

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tha Walk to School

Since it was so popular last time, I decided to give you a visual day in my life. Lets start in the garage.

I enter and exit my building through the garage. The actual entrance to the parking area is on the wall across from the one you see here. That silver circle on the floor is for rotating cars that pull in so that they face that entrance and can drive down the ramp to the parking spaces below the building.

Here you can see the local Buddhist temple. Unlike most of them around the world, this temple has found its way right into the heart of a city as opposed to the mountains or forests.

Turning left at the temple, I get to experience the contrast that is this city. This disgusting, grey building has been under construction for the whole 4 months I've lived here. It'll be nice to see a gleaming monolith to man's dominance of nature rather than this noisy, dirty mess.

This is our chicken place. Best fried chicken I've had in the city. You'd be surprised how many miles away from the South you can find some kickin' fried chicken!

What three block walk through a major metropolitan area would be complete without passing at least one Starbucks? What's more interesting is that immediately next door was a place called "StarBeer Coffee." Even in a country without copyright laws, however, the crack team of Starbucks lawyers can shut that operation down.

Immediately across the street you'll see the entrance to SeoGang University. I didn't even know there was a fourth university right around the corner from where I lived! This picture accidentally captured one of the phenomena I've mentioned before: notice the motorcycle using the crosswalk.

This stretch of the walk has some of the only trees I've seen in the city, so in that respect I'm pretty lucky.

Here is a terrible shot of our Ministop. It's right around the corner from Avalon, so its easy to run to between classes if you need a drink. Notice that the vehicle that slid into this photo, which is the only thing like a pick-up truck they have here.

This is probably the most important building in our lives: The orange restaurant (actually called 'KimBap Heaven'). It is directly across the street from Avalon, and we use our pre-planning time to eat before work every day. These women know us too well, but the quality is pretty good and the prices can't be beat.

Cross the street and we've arrived at the Avalon building. The first floor is a comforter store, then the 2nd-5th are dedicated to us. I don't know what all is on the rest of the 10 floors of the building, but I do know that one of them is an elevator repair company. Guess who's elevator is never out of order!

Finally, the hallways of the 5th floor. This floor consists of (from front to back along the left) the principal's office, the break room, the elementary school office, (from front to back along the right) the computer lab, the middle school pricipal's office, the middle school office, and finally the detention room against the back wall.

And now that I've walked you to the office, I'm going to leave it and head back home. I can't stand to be here any longer.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's essay time again. We had a grading party at my apartment this weekend. Here are the greatest hits:

The lowest level had a series of half sentences that mirror the reading chapter exactly (supposed to have been about seahorses...). All they had to do was copy the second half of the sentence straight out of the book. Instead, Fiona decided to get creative:

She is a small kind of fish.
It is smallllike a airpline.
It has a fly.
A seahorse is as small as old shoes.
It looks like a very old.
There are many kinds of seahorses find.
They are really swimmers.
They move as slow as windand airrprane.
The can also fly.
They are different from hair.
The male seahorse keeps its babies .

That is .

(Eventually, Fiona decided to just quit and leave the ending blank.)

If you were looking for the definition of confused, Daniel in the upper level has got you covered:

"These cities like Seoul are mostly in Korea because They were made on a plain surrounded on mountain (it looks like valley) or a valley which is a plain on mountains."

This one speaks for itself.

I have 'make alphabet book' club.
It's very boring.
I don't like this.
I like music clubs.
Because I like music very well.
If I was elected leader of a club.
I'm who very many working in the my club.

Who's name is bestest beautiful.

And who has who's music.
It's very important.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Reaction

Behold: how a group of second grade Koreans reacts when I tell them I have contracted the epidemic. I have swine flu!

Of course, I don't actually have swine flu. It's just too much fun to tell them I do.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


If I were any sort of real person I wouldn't sneak out of my apartment at midnight on a desperate hunt for corn chips. In one of the trendiest cities on the Asian continent. Even Eurasian continent. In pajama pants and dress shoes. Without socks. In a country that uses corn as a garnish.

God I wish I had a casual pair of shoes. And why oh why were there *that* many people using the elevator tonight? I've never seen that many co-tenants. And did I really have to go to the Family Mart on the main street? Only to settle for these things?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick update

Hey everyone,

Sorry to have left the blog standing for so long. I've sort of fallen into a routine just to grind through the semester, but its finally over. Summer is about to get brutal here, and we have a new teacher from Canada just in time for him to suffer. He's replacing the guy from Savannah who has been here for a year and three months, who was sadly the closest person to me on this continent.

The previous Korean president committed suicide last weekend, so that's dominated the news rather than North Korea's latest tantrum for attention. In other news, swine flu has arrived. A westerner brought it over to another institute. Everyone there got 10 days paid vacation, but the bad news is Koreans are hysterical about this whole epidemic. The drop in enrollment, as disease crazy Korean mothers whisked their germy little brats to another school, effectively closed an entire chain of hagwons.

Cross your fingers Avalon doesn't get hit or I'm out of a job! If you never heard I was going to be an executive consultant in my free time, then you're actually on the right page. The gig fell through being that someone who held the job previously asked for it back the day after it was offered to me.

Miss you guys

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Yardstick

There are several ways through which we could measure how far Korea is behind on race relations, but since I'm supposed to be working right now I will just give you this one. The students are reading a novel about a middle school boy who has a science accident and turns invisible. Adventure ensues. When asked to write about the novel, this is one yardstick by which we can guage civil rights progress in Korea. Lifted from sentence #1:

"Justin is a Negro then his friends are banter Justin."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Topic 3:
Book Report "Invisible Boy" In this story, why do you think Justin wants to disappear? Have you ever wanted to disappear? Why?

Read 'Invisible boy' and...
I read 'Invisible boy."
I difficult to me. So I well can say answer to first qustien. First qustien is 'Why do you think Justin wants to disappear.' I think long time, but I can. So It's pass. The second qustien is 'Have you ever wanted to disappear? Why?"
Umm,I some time want disappear, sometime is because, I'm disappear, play behind, I can behind well. but always disappear and anybody can see me. So I want some time disappear or sometime not.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh, by the way...

This was not given to me but rather to my friend Caroline. That doesn't mean I can't share it! An Easter card, by Androied [sic].

This is the point in reading the card that I assumed Android had misspelled something along the way. Mommy?

But then:

Easter basket? Grenades, a gun, and a knife.
(The backwards 'F' characters signify a sort of laugh.)

The Lantern Festival

Lots of lanterns, old people carrying lanterns, and floats in a two hour long parade! Fun weekend activity, even though the weather kinda sucked. Check out the parade of photos, which can be so much more quickly uploaded to facebook than to blogger.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Menu Update

While in the market, we got some fresh food that's only available out by the clean rivers and such.

Bing Eo and Eun Eo:

These are minnows and some other slightly larger fresh water fish, both of which you can only get from the streams outside of Seoul. Good luck pronouncing them! We, of course, got them fried up crispy. I ate the big fish's heads. Kinda a psychological barrier, but nothing wrong with them I guess. I'm told though that you can eat the minnows live in the winter. An adventure that awaits me!

Special southern clams! We ate them two different ways: once as some sort of room-temperature spicy salad (kinda like chicken salad I guess)...

and once boiled in broth.

They were really tiny, but so delicious.

Acorn Jelly:
The translation always sounds gross, but its literally a jelly made from acorns, so what am I supposed to do? I've had this in Seoul on several occasions, but this was a specialty of the market's. I've never seen it with so many veggies stirred in. Particularly good!